Tacoma Youth Chorus is accepting inquiries for children and youth to participate in our 2024-2025 season (beginning in the fall). Our singers come to us with a love of music and singing, ability to match pitch, and a willingness to work respectfully with one another.
We invite you to click on each choir description to read about your child’s choir level and director, call our office to ask additional questions and to schedule an instructor meeting .
Masks are welcome and all singers are asked to take appropriate precautions, including staying home, if they are experiencing illness or suspect a potential contact with someone who is ill. TYC strongly encourages up-to-date COVID vaccinations.
Just wanted to reach out and thank you and the whole TYC organization for a great year of learning, even in the face of incredible challenges. You have taught our students so much this year, not only related to music but also what it looks like to persevere in adversity and find the joy in sharing music together. I am so grateful.”
TYC Parent

Preparatory Program
Music Makers: Grades K-2 in Fall 2024
An activity-based music class featuring singing, rhythm and movement activities, Music Makers prepares children with the skills needed for the Intermediate Choirs level. This is a nonperformance class with family sharing events. With two classes offered in two locations, we’re sure there’s an option for every child who loves to sing! CLICK TO READ MORE >>
- TUITION*: 9 monthly payments of $85 ($765/year) + $125 Annual Registration Fee.
- CLASSES: The exact same class is offered at 2 different times/places
- Annie Wright School Chapel
Music Makers 1: Mondays from 5:15 – 6:00pmMusic Makers 1 is full with a waiting list. If you are interested in this session, please email Eve, our Chorus Manager, (at eve@tacomayouthchorus.org) to discuss possibilities.
- Charles Wright Academy Lower School Music Room
- Music Makers 2: Thursdays from 4:15 – 5:00pm
- Second week of October, 2024 – mid June, 2025 (9 months)
- Annie Wright School Chapel
- NONPERFORMANCE: Family “sharings” throughout the year.
- DIRECTOR: Katie Brizuela
*Need based scholarships available.

Intermediate Choirs
Concert Choir: Grades 2-4 (grade 2 by director recommendation) in Fall 2024
Engaging, innovative, and intentional music programming with just the right challenge for singers in the Concert Choir as they are provided age-appropriate learning opportunities that include literature and early skill development including sight-reading and vocal techniques. CLICK TO READ MORE >>
- TUITION*: 10 monthly payments of $100 ($1,000/year) + $125 Annual Registration Fee.
- ADDITIONAL COSTS: Uniform/t-shirt costs (nominal amounts vary by choir) are in addition to tuition fees.
- Wednesdays from 4:30 – 5:30
- Charles Wright Academy Middle School Commons
- September 11th, 2024 – mid June, 2025
- PERFORMANCES: Multiple concerts planned throughout the year.
- DIRECTOR: Katie Brizuela
*Need based scholarships available.
Chamber Choir: Grades 5-8 in Fall 2024
Chamber Choir singers work on improving their musical skills through more challenging literature, including advanced skill development (sight-reading and vocal techniques). CLICK TO READ MORE >>
- TUITION*: 10 monthly payments of $110 ($1,100/year) + $125 Annual Registration Fee.
- ADDITIONAL COSTS: Uniform/t-shirt costs (nominal amounts vary by choir) are in addition to tuition fees.
- Tuesdays from 4:15 – 5:30
- Charles Wright Academy Middle School Commons
- September 10th, 2024 – mid June, 2025
- PERFORMANCES: Multiple concerts planned throughout the year.
- DIRECTOR: Judy Herrington
*Need based scholarships available.

Advanced Choirs
Chorale: Treble and Tenor-Bass in Grades 9-12 in Fall 2024
Singing more advanced music, high school-aged singers participate in two choirs, either the Treble or Tenor-Bass Choir AND the Chorale (Treble and Tenor-Bass Choirs combined). CLICK TO READ MORE >>
- TUITION*: 10 monthly payments of $135 ($1,350/year) + $125 Annual Registration Fee.
- Tuesdays from 5:45 – 8:00
- Charles Wright Academy Middle School Commons
- September 10th, 2024 – mid June, 2025
- PERFORMANCES: Multiple concerts planned throughout the year.
- CHORALE DIRECTOR: Judy Herrington
*Need based scholarships available.
Contact Eve at the office for more information.
(253) 588-1391